
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Should I have a boy or a girl?

Should I have a boy or a girl?

Hi, I'm 2 months pregnant, so happy I'm gonna have a baby :) :) Me and my boyfriend are looking forward to it, making preparations. However, we aren't yet decided if I should have a boy or a girl. We would love either, but there is a difference, I believe. It's a tough decision, so I'm not asking to make it for us, but could you please list some cons and pros of either one? What should we know before deciding?

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Well, we will pray when we decide which. If that doesn't work, there are things that can be done after the birth (thanks to modern medicine). 
Reply 1  :

You have no choice in the matter after conception. Once that sperm hit that egg the genetic code for boy or girl is set in stone. You will have to just wait and find out what it is. Sorry no such thing as custom babies. Just love that child no matter what gender it comes out to be. 
Reply 2  :
Some women who had baby said that If you want to eat something acid , It mean a boy, If you want to eat something sweet , means a girl. of course it is not on the basis of medical. In a word you will love either, Congratulations !


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