
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

American Indian student death

New York , Jan . 21 -

India have lost their parents in the United States 7 years ago - American student pulkit Singh ( 20 ) , currently housed at the school discovered the body caused a stir .

Here in Philadelphia, police said , "This criminal cause of death there . We are investigating the matter, " they said .

Pulkit 's uncle Joginder Singh said , " pulkit star of our family . Seeing that he was very visionary , able to think , "he said .

In 2007, his brother pulkittum return home from school , his parents Jaspal ( 46 ) , Geeta ( 38 ), who were dead , shot gun . Similarly pulkittum his family tragedy has now died .

அமெரிக்காவில் இந்திய மாணவன் சாவு American Indian student death

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